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Outside Bodies

Outside Bodies

In conjunction with the Home Affairs Bureau – The Hong Kong Golf Club is committed to promoting the development of golf within Hong Kong and to providing greater access to the Club’s facilities by outside bodies who do not ordinarily hold membership of the Club.

As such, a scheme exists by which some of the Club’s facilities namely the golf course and fitness room are available for booking and use by the following approved Outside Bodies:

  • any school as defined in s.3(1) of the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279); any regulations made there under and any amending legislation;
  • any non-governmental organisation that is receiving recurrent subvention from the Social Welfare Department;
  • the Hong Kong Golf Association, which is affiliated to its respective International Federation and is a member of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China;
  • any uniformed group and youth organisation that is receiving recurrent subvention from the Home Affairs Bureau; and
  • any Government Department.

For enquiry, please contact our Golf & Membership Officer,
Mrs Lillian Cheng
Fax: 2679 5183
Phone: 2679 1828