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Environmental Outreach & Public Sharing

In response to the Government’s plans for the partial development of 32 ha of the Old Course of the Hong Kong Golf Club (HKGC) at Fanling (FGC-PD), a 110-year-old golf course, which is the oldest golf course in Asia and China, HKGC has engaged technical environmental experts and formulated its response as part of the public consultation for the FGC-PD Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). In June- August 2022, HKGC has transparently shared this and also supplementary information from its own ongoing ecological monitoring and assessments and provided them as supplementary information to Hong Kong’s Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) to assist their consideration of the Government’s FGC-PD EIA, and the community’s understanding of the high ecological and biodiversity value of HKGC at Fanling.

HKGC Supplementary Information to ACE - 3 May 2023

Hong Kong Golf Club’s Comments on Additional Information Prepared for the EIA report on “Technical Study on Partial Development of Fanling Golf Course Site -Feasibility Study” to Make Up “Insufficient Information 1” Previously Provided by CEDD to Facilitate Consideration of Advisory Council on the Environment and Director of Environmental Protection
HKGC Executive Summary of Comments

(a) CEDD's additional information item A: Additional Bird Survey and Details of the survey methodology
(i) Hong Kong Golf Club's responses on CEDD's Bird Survey on Fanling Golf Course and survey methodology
20230428_Key Issues of the Additional Info_Birds.pdf

(b) CEDD's additional information item B: Additional Moth Survey and Details of the survey methodology
(i) Hong Kong Golf Club's responses on CEDD's Moth Survey on Fanling Golf Course and survey methodology
20230428_Key Issues of the Additional Info_Moths.pdf
(ii) Hong Kong Golf Club's Moth Survey
Fanling Golf Course Moth Survey 2022-2023 (FINAL 20230427).pdf

(c) CEDD's additional information item C: Details of the survey methodology adopted for the Bats Survey
(i) Hong Kong Golf Club's responses on CEDD's Bats Survey on Fanling Golf Course and survey methodology
20230428_Key Issues of the Additional Info_Bats.pdf
(ii) Hong Kong Golf Club's Bats Survey
Bat Survey Summary_20230426_revised.pdf

(d) CEDD's additional information item D: Tree compensation plan
(i)Hong Kong Golf Club's responses to CEDD's Tree Compensation Plan
20230501_EIA Supplementary Material Review Report_Rev2a.pdf (Part C)

(e) CEDD's additional information item E: A detailed layout plan of the proposed housing development
(i)Hong Kong Golf Club's responses to CEDD's Layout Plan
20230501_EIA Supplementary Material Review Report_Rev2a.pdf (Part D)
(ii) Hong Kong Golf Club's Trees Survey
HKGC2ADD4_TechnicalReviewReport _Rev1a.pdf
(iii) Executive Summary of Technical Review of EIA Tree Survey

(f) CEDD's additional information item F: A detailed analysis of the hydrological impact to show the flow of water
(i) Hong Kong Golf Club's hydrology report on Fanling Golf Course and comments on CEDD's analysis of the hydrological impact
FGC hydrology report_V3.pdf
(ii) Hong Kong Golf Club's responses to CEDD's hydrological impact analysis
Critique of CEDD item (f). Potential impact of a change of water level to Chinese Swamp Cypress.

(g) CEDD's additional information item G: Additional analysis on the shading impact of the proposed housing blocks to the trees in the potential development area
(i)Hong Kong Golf Club's responses on CEDD's shading impact to the trees
20230501_EIA Supplementary Material Review Report_Rev2a.pdf (Part E)
ANNEX 1 - Shading Impact Upon Fanling Golf Course West of Fan Kam Road
Sun Shade Analysis for video Mar 21 FHD.mp4
Sun Shade Analysis for video Jun 21 FHD.mp4
Sun Shade Analysis for video Dec 21 FHD.mp4

(h) CEDD's additional information item H: Further information on how the grave situated in Sub-Area 1 will be handled
(i) Hong Kong Golf Club's Cultural Landscape Report on Fanling Golf Course
FGC Cultural Landscape Study_final _20230426_rev 1.pdf

Hong Kong Golf Club's response on key non-compliant areas of the previous EcoIA that remain outstanding in spite of the Additional Information
20230502_Outstanding Key Issues of the EcoIA.pdf

Application for Judicial Review - 21 July 2023


Nominations for Old & Valuable Tree Registration - September 2023